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Gloomy Sunday

For those of you who don't know yet; there was a song from world war 2. Some people believe that this song brings death to everyone who listen to it. This was not only a myth, at that time many people are dead after listening to this song.

It is an original Hungarian folk song, some people translate it into many languages. There was also a film titled Trauriger Sonntag means Gloomy Sunday. Well you can find it on youtube and listen to it, let's see, if you didnt put any comment after listening to it, maybe the story was true, that song kills people :D

I think you should watch the movie, it's a german movie shot in budapest. This is such a good movie about a Jew who own a store in Budapest, he lived with his woman. Actually the woman had two boyfriends. There were also one Germany who likes her but she dont like him. after the germany become the a part of the third reich, then that jew man, the woman, and the other man's lives are in danger. What happen next, you can download it from the internet in case that no one will sell any dvd about this film.

here are the lyric in german, i'll try to translate it into english. But im really sorry if i cant translate it well, weil ich nicht gut Englisch kann.

Trauriges Sonntag
Gloomy Sunday

Trauriger Sonntag, dein Abend ist nicht mehr weit
Gloomy Sunday, your night is no more longer.
Mit schwarzen Schatten teil ich meine Einsamkeit
With a black shadow do I share my loneliness.
Schließ ich die Augen, dann seh ich sie hundertfach
I close my eyes, then I see them hundred times.
Ich kann nicht schlafen, und sie werden nie mehr wach
I can not sleep, and they will never wake again.
Ich seh' Gestalten ziehn im Zigarettenrauch
I see shapes depicted in the cigarette smoke
Lasst mich nicht hier, sagt den Engeln ich komme auch
don't leave me here, tell the angels, i'm coming too.
Trauriger Sonntag
Gloomy Sunday

Einsame Sonntage hab' ich zuviel verbracht
I've spent too many of lonely Sundays
Heut mach ich mich auf den Weg in die lange Nacht
Today i make my way into the long night
Bald brennen Kerzen und Rauch macht die Augen feucht
Soon the candles will burn, and the smoke sting my eyes
Weint doch nicht, Freunde, denn endlich fühl ich mich leicht
Don't cry for me, friends, because finally i feel light.
Der letzte Atemzug bringt mich für immer heim
The last br
eath brings me back home forever.
Im Land der Schatten da werd' ich geborgen sein.
in the land of shadows will i be rescued
Trauriger Sonntag
Gloomy Sunday

The lyrics are miserable, it is depressing tho!
dont commit suicide yet, just listen to the song first! :D

Sure it is a scary song! but then you have to listen to the other normal version, id like to introduce my favorite one, Bjork version. It is still scary, but it's more normal and you wont die, you would love it instead :D

ach ja! anyway, if you just listen to the song without knowing the meaning of the song~ would it be matter? i really want to know how language works on this. haha anyway, :) Have a great sunday this weekend :) Dont die ^_^

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