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Tentang Pelayanan: Tak Cukup Menjadi Marta, Jadilah Maria di Dekat Kaki Tuhan

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The Three Magnificent Stories

The world is in Harry Potter-fever. What's worse is, we could not watch the movie in Indonesia. How splendid and amazing is our Country!

Saya emang bukan penggemar berat Harry Potter. Saya juga tidak membaca satupun bukunya yang saya yakini jauh lebih menarik daripada film nya. Walupun film nya jauh lebih indah akibat peran-peran lelaki ganteng di setiap seri nya :D
Tapi yang membuat saya sedih adalah, saya sudah mengikuti filmnya sejak Harry Potter masih orok ampe sekarang dia sudah mature. Kenapa ketika tinggal 1/2 lagi, saya justru musti menunggu untuk either donlotannya or vcd bajakannya. What's worse is, Tangerang has been such a strict place, they wont allowed any of that.

Well, saya yakin suatu saat saya pasti bisa nonton film itu! (seandainya saya di Taiwan pasti saya udah nonton film itu weekend ini! :p)

Nonetheless, I still love my country! This is the best country i've known. There is no other country better, for my own family and friends live here. :D

Speaking of witch, who's here eager to know about our Dumbledore...
and who's eager to know from whom this JK Rowling got her ideas.

And id like to introduce two of my favorite authors in the world. One is our beloved CS Lewis who created the magical land called Narnia, and Tolkien who brought Lord of The Rings to our world.

Let's say that Tolkien is a Father of modern Fantasy, and his masterpieces has become the high fantasy epic. He was a close friend to CS Lewis. CS Lewis has became a christian after they knew each other. Tolkien and Lewis had a group of friend called the Inklink, where he read his masterpiece out loud. and so did Lewis.

As a professor in Oxford university in English language, and as a philologist (who loves language) he learned many languages especially Germanic language and was fond of this. He likes to know how a word can be made, and the history behind every word. It leads him into wider topic called mythology. Some old Norse, Gothic, and Anglo Saxon' literature became his inspiration.

But he created the Middle Earth, that for me the most tidiest story ever, like he created a whole new world. He really created a new mythology, full version with its language and history in one story. He wants us to believe that Middle Earth was a true story. It's funny when he spent a longer time for the detail rather than the plot. He spent more than 10 years to write The trilogy.

If you ever read Narnia, you would find its similarities with Catholic-Christian Bible. My hero, Aslan, was supposed to be Jesus or the son of God in Narnia. In Dawn Treader, Aslan reminds them, the human, that they should remember someone like him in their own world. It is obvious to see that Lewis write from the Bible. I love Narnia, Aslan is my superhero! For me, Narnia is the most beautiful story for kids. I would really like to read it every night to my kids in the future. The 7 series of Narnia was intended to show the basic 7 sins of a human. Tho it's a christian work, i told you that not only a christian can read the masterpiece. Kids may understand the story itself than those religious things people talkin about.

When Narnia was a real christianity work, at the same time, Lord of the Rings (the silmarillion, the hobbit, and many more) were supposed to be the same. But Tolkien wont let his reader to see this as a Christian work. He wants his reader to understand their own God by reading this. (at least what ive seen in his masterpiece :D) But it's true, Middle Earth has their own God called Illuvatar who gave life to all the creatures. (I would like to talk about many details of his work, but i think i would be too long)

And so~ when it comes to HARRY POTTER, the magnificent story ever made (said by JK Rowling's fan im sure), it became bigger. Because no one would ever imagine a school filled with Wizards. But Jk Rowling is a big fan of Lewis and Tolkien, i told ya! Cedric Diggory in her Goblet of Fire book is the name derived from the word Digory Kirke in Lewis' work. There are many similarities to tell.

But, as a bigger fan of Narnia and LOTR, i would simply feel jealous to see people' affection toward Harry Potter. And also when i have to click on my dashboard on Tumblr, in a day i saw either Daniel Radcliffe or his friends more than one times. i just simply think, what is this! Do they really love Harry Potter for its film, its actors and actress, its story, or deeper than that? I mean, all kind of western mythology that ever exist in the world that was supposed to be the real story rather than an imagination world of Hogwarts. No offence, i told y i do love Harry Potter too. I like to watch and read any fantasy things. But the inspiration (which is come from mythology) enchants me the most. really no offence guys, i know how much you love the boy. Harry Potter and the story and Dobby, and Dumbledore, so on... No offence, i know how good Jk Rowling is for created a complete good story. I just really want to know, do the fans ever understand about this, that Rowling got her inspiration from Narnia and LOTR. what i really want to say is, idk why people love Harry Potter better than Narnia and LOTR. hah! i know we have a different taste in literature, tho we really love it. but in my deepest heart, i supposed, they dont know about how good LOTR was.

Sometimes when you really love something, you would understand how good it was, tho nobody would ever realize.

Anyway, here is some cool stuff from youtube, my favorite NICE PETER, who created Epic Rap Battles of History. here it is, Gandalf versus Dumbledore

Both known as a cool wizard, but telling you the truth, our beloved Gandalf the White is not a a real wizard, he came as an angel from God who supposed to take care of Middle Earth and the save the dominion of men, hobbits, elves, or dwarves, and many creature in the world. And to help them to defeat Sauron himself. :D

When Dumbledore is a real wizard, he was a headmaster from Hogwarts. They have a cool little wand as all wizard supposed to have. He helps Harry Potter to defeat Voldemort. it tickles my mind, if Dumbledore was a headmaster of Hogwarts, why he's fond of Gryffindor more? well whatever i dont really read the book and the history of it. but if you are a harry potter lover, mind to tell me why? i think any of Harry potter lover should know this.

and if you really really love a book, sometimes when you watch the film, you maybe see he actors and actress as the real character in a book, but when in a real world, it's completely different people. I mean for me, if i saw orlando Bloom, i wont say that he is my Legolas, or my Will Turner. But he is a plain Orlando. But in his movie, id believe that he was real Legolas. do you think so, or you would ever think that Daniel Radcliffe is a forever Harry Potter? well, i think about Sir Mckellen as a real Gandalf too sometimes. haha :D

anyway, if some of my readers come by and read, and if you really love fantasy, please comment, cos i really love fantasy. :)

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