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Tentang Pelayanan: Tak Cukup Menjadi Marta, Jadilah Maria di Dekat Kaki Tuhan

Maria telah memilih bagian yang terbaik, yang tidak akan diambil dari padanya.   (Lukas 10:42) Menjadi Pelayan di Usia Muda Saya di...


'You Can Go!'

As I was in high school, I overheard this phrase over and over again. That one time, when we were seated down to evaluate our school's rules and regulations together, my friends and I were eager to say something.

My friend was already prepared to say what's in her mind, she was standing bravely as her words came out slowly. She was there to evaluate one of our school's regulations.

Funny thing, before any teacher or our student's leader had the words to say, this brave guy stand up and said, 'It was stated clearly in our school that it is almost impossible to change our school uniform like you said. If you don't agree with it, You Can Go!'

I was in shocked. We were in shocked. At that time, he was my senior and we were only some juniors who tried to speak our mind that probably we could somehow make some change. But we were too young and too stupid to understand our school regulation that they try to evaluate. And what's the point of evaluating that day, I don't have any idea.

I thought the phrase 'You Can Go.' is somehow too harsh to say. It leaves no space for evaluation or new thinking, or changing whatever. And I didn't say this only to throw hatred to my school that everybody was so proud about. I love my school, there was the place when I spend most of my childhood and teenage-hood, like it or not, it has already shaped me to somebody I become today.

But still I was thinking that the phrase was too harsh. It may apply to any kind of places where regulations was put. Any kind of regulations that is either written down or stated from mouth to mouth.

Give yourself a space for evaluation, don't think that you can win any kind of argument because you have the regulations or you are with the majority. Majority is bullshit. It makes you blind, it leaves no space for heartwarming changing, or people who treated unfairly.  

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