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Tentang Pelayanan: Tak Cukup Menjadi Marta, Jadilah Maria di Dekat Kaki Tuhan

Maria telah memilih bagian yang terbaik, yang tidak akan diambil dari padanya.   (Lukas 10:42) Menjadi Pelayan di Usia Muda Saya di...


Why is it okay to be gay?

In Avenue Q, there is a character named Nicky who lived together with his gay friend, named Rod. Although Nicky is straight, he said to Rod, that it's okay to be gay, and he will always stay by his side, no matter Rod gay or not. Rod, though he found that insulting, was later decided to get out of the closet by admitting that he's gay, and Nicky help him to find a boyfriend.
Nicky was the character of jobless and lazy person but a funny person and was a true friend too.
He said in his song,
'if you were gay, id shout hooray, and here i'd stay, but i wouldn't get it in your way
you can count on me, to always be, beside you everyday, to tell you it's okay,
you were just born that way, and as they say, it's in your DNA, you're gay!'

I do think that our society needs more people like Nicky who think that it's absolutely okay for straight people to have gay friends, or even accept their sexual-orientation, not as mental disorder, but just a sexual variation of human being. You don't have to be gay to see that it's okay to be gay.
I did some research, for my presentation on same-sex marriage. And I'm more certain of my decision to support gay-lesbian rights. Because I don't see any of the bad things would happen if we accept gay marriage.

1. Focus on the real problem, guys!
You saw, gay couple, holding hands, kissing each other and showing their love, and you get mad about it? then you spend your time mocking and insulting them, saying that they are sinners. Talk about how morally superior are you to have your preach that it's immoral for people with the same sex to love each other. Why? you think that you're morally superior, what the hell youve done for other people? do you help each other? do you cherish love? do you help those who are suffering? do you even care about some kids who struggle for food?
Then why you think it is important to get mad at gay couple while there are many serious problem outside, that you should care for, IF you claim yourself as people with moral!

2. When the hell did you choose to be straight?
if you say that gay is not natural, and they're stupid if they choose to be gay. Think again!!
Do you remember when you were fetus, somebody asking you to fill a form, whether you wanna be born as gay or straight? tell me if you were at that position, and i will revise my opinion!
Nicky said, it's in your fuckin DNA. the scientist has already did some research about it. they called it homosexual gene. tho the research only done with males. they said the homosexual gene come from the mother. Because if a woman has a boy in her womb, her body tend to produce antibody that could influence the baby boy, that could make him more feminine.
Nonetheless, i myself, do not care about what the scientist say. I believe that although it was a choice, you should not hate them because of the choice they made. But in fact, I believe that it wasnt a choice, it's fuckin natural, even animals have it. come on, just because we're genius, we're also animals.

3. If the use of the word 'gay' is to describe homosexual, then it should not be used to call people who aren't gay.
Bullying on gay people, happens everywhere. People tend to hate them. and this is not okay! They would consider it as a mental disorder, whilst in fact it isn't!
Legalize gay marriage, and educating them by saying that it is normal to be gay, would cut down the bullying happen everywhere.

4. Religion vs State
I don't think, that we live now in the era, where one religious perspective should control one state. why? because there are thousands of people in one nation from different religion and culture. even some of them are atheist, so why should one particular religion define what a nation should do!
We are supposed to separate religion and government!
Because based on same religion, homosexual are sinners, tho some of them claim that in the religion, there's no such statement. But why dont you just stay with your opinion from your religion, stop shoving it into someone's mind like a penis, and tell them to do what you think it's true.

5. Gay rights is not heterosexual privilege
Heterosexual has nothing to do with homosexuality, so i told you, straight people out there, it's not your fuckin privilege to tell them what to do, or to decide when they could marry or not.
Gay people are also human beings. They have the same rights as ours to marry and to love, and to give their opinion. if your marriage, if different sex marriage never bothers them.
why should gay marriage bother you?

6. Threat to traditional marriage?
so it would confusing you, with gender roles, and who become mother, and father, or it would destroy the traditional marriage? I would say that it is not reasonable to say so. Except if the same-sex marriage is a mandatory, and all people should only marry people with the same sex. then yes, it destroys them
But it's not. you, straight people, could still marry your loved one. So that heterosexual marriage should not also be mandatory!
In fact there's no differences between gay and heterosexual marriage. the commitment, constitution, love? the essential things in marriage are covered, so why is that matter to let them marry?

7. Society needs more babies!
Fuck you! society needs more people who are capable to raise babies, and who are willing to raise babies. to protect, and educate them. saying that society needs more babies is a joke! see how many babies are treated badly by hetero couple? how many of teenager, who has baby, throw their babies away just because they aren't ready to have it. why doesn't it matter? gay couple, who wants to have babies, usually has already thought about everything the babies need. and they usually could afford it. so, preventing them to adopt babies is stupid!

8. Since when is gender more important than love?
In a marriage, you were already get used to see people with different sex. then you would consider it's not normal for people with same-sex to get married. maybe you forget that the most important thing in a marriage is love, and commitment from both side. see how many straight couple married without love? so you think it's okay to get married without love and commitment, that could bring many problems, as long as it was between man and women! you're ignorant!

9. Some people are gay, get over it!
They didn't bother you. revised your view in immorality, instead!

Straight people do not have to be gay to accept gay.

"if you were gay, that'd be okay, i mean, cus hey, id like you anyway!" -Nicky

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