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Mistranslation and religion

When I was a kid, I know that I always interested in using language to make either prose, poem, or just a short-text. Having known that I wasn't born with an ability of using correct grammar, did not stop me to continue writing. Beside, I always eager to learn a new language. This reason leads me to the school, in which I study.

I have learned 4 languages, excluded the language i used to study by myself (japanese, korean, french, old-english, quenya). I have learned different use of grammar; the grammar of indo-european language, tibetan language, or even our indonesian language. This different use of grammar create a new viewpoint, this viewpoint differ so much than what i had when i was in elementary school.

(Recently, I learn some cantonese accent. It interested me for once in a year I always heard to cantonese in airplane.  ^^v )

But that's not my point. This new viewpoint of language makes me think of possibility that could happen when one want to translate a language to other. I'm not really involved in doing some translation, though I couldnt lie that somehow i like to translate some texts to either indonesian or english.

I started to understand how a translation may bring big differences, let alone mistranslation. 

Like i have mentioned before in my last post, I re-watched meteor garden without indonesian-dubbed, and of course after I have learned the language, and moreover, the culture, from which the drama come. From this example, I could show you how a translation could change something. Maybe the content of the drama is still the same, but the feeling from the drama, couldn't be the same anymore after you've learned the culture. and that is why I insist to say that Culture is always embedded in the language they use. culture and language is two things that cannot be separated. That is why, it would be easier to learn a language in a country whose people speak that language.

That was just translation, and what could be more worse is mistranslation. How could you understand something if not only is the context, but also the translation is wrong.

Today's article in yahoo makes me want to write something about it. The title is a "terjemahan 3226 ayat al-quran pemerintah keliru" - the mistranslations of 3226 Al-Quran verses.

 go check if you're eager to know ----> http://id.berita.yahoo.com/terjemahan-3-226-ayat-al-quran-pemerintah-keliru-215407898.html

TEMPO.CO Medan: Ratusan miliar rupiah anggaran pengadaan Al-Quran di Kementerian Agama kini diselisik Komisi Pemberantasan Korupsi. Tak hanya indikasi dugaan tindak pidana korupsi dalam proyek kitab umat Islam menuai perhatian dan permasalahan. Terjemahan versi Kementerian Agama terhadap Al-Quran juga menuai protes.
Majelis Mujahidin Indonesia mencatat ada 3.226 ayat Al-Quran terjemahan versi pemerintah keliru. »3.226 ayat Al-Quran versi pemerintah yang diteliti Amir Mujahidin, Ustad Muhamad Thalib, keliru,” kata Ketua MMI Sumatera Utara, Zulkarnain, kepada Tempo, Kamis, 5 Juli 2012. ..................................

before the news come, I have discussed it and have already thought about it, how some people could be extremely radical when it comes to religion. I have made some hypothesis that maybe, they have misunderstood the context of the bible they have learned all this time. Not only al-quran but also all the religions that have bible. I didnt say thay I doubt the translator of the bible or alquran. Even when the translators have done the right things, the reader of the bible could also make wrong judgement of what they have read, ey?

That's why I insist to write about it even I have read the news that said --------> http://www.tempo.co/read/news/2011/04/25/173329766/Pemerintah-Bantah-Keliru-Terjemahkan-Al-Quran

TEMPO InteraktifJakarta -- Kementerian Agama membantah tuduhan Majelis Mujahidin Indonesia (MMI) bahwa terjadi kekeliruan dalam menerjemahkan 3.400 ayat Al-Quran ke dalam bahasa Indonesia.

"Itu sudah lebih 50 persen dari isi Al-Quran. Apa dasarnya MMI menyatakan itu? Apa metodologi yang mereka gunakan?" kata Direktur Jenderal Bimbingan Masyarakat Islam Nasaruddin Umar, kepada Tempo, Ahad (25/4)

yes, all these radical things that happen, could also be the root of the misunderstood of the translated-bible, or even from the original bible, without any knowledge of the culture, time, situation when the bible was written. When the one text is written, I would say that you should first consider all the situation happen at the same time. after that i guarantee that you would understand it better. 

and last, if you really are a religious person, though you know that all the good news are brought by the bible, in which it should describe how you behave, but bible nonetheless is just a literature work,

How could you practice your religion only based from the bible without looking the reality that you live with human that look like you? How could you live for your religion by hurting human that look like you? so please, consider twice before making decision.

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