I'm majored in German Department by a coincidence, it's true i choose it on my own, but i didnt know that i could choose other major beside german =.=
But I enjoy it anyway! Ever since I studied my ass off for german proficiency test, I started to watch german movies.
And i could guarantee, that most of the german movies are totally different than what they got in Hollywood, there would be a switch at the end of the movie, or something could happen and you could not guess it from the beginning. I loved this kind of movie very much, cos after you finish the movie, you would spend hours to search anything related to the movie, whether the idea or just the plot. Most of the movies aren't easy to understand. and for you who likes movie with semi-nude or full nudity, most of european films serves you at its best:D
Well, I have watched several german films, but I couldnt say that I have watched all the famous one, instead I pick the film based on the story. I dont really care whether it's famous or not, or who played the characters. But I could say that most of the german films talk about the time of Hitler, or the time when Germany were divided into two. But started from 2009 or 2010, most of German films have changed into more easy-to-understand type. Therefore, I myself love the films that produced in 2000-2008.
I support gay-lesbian right, so gay-lesbian movie (excluded porn) entertained me the most. I have an experience watching gay movie in class. When the scene shows two boys making out, half of my class went outside the class, they said it was fuckin disgusting, I said that was fuckin masterpiece! :D
So here my favorite two gay-lesbian films from German :)
Mein Freund aus Faro (english title : to Faro) -2008
The story is about a tomboy girl named Melanie who fell in love with a girl, but the girl thought that she was he. but when she found out later, she got mad. but how did she found out that melanie was actually a girl? it's a fantastic story, a story about both friendship and love, and the perspectives about lesbian!
Sommer Strom (english title: Summer Storm) -2004
A story about a friendship between two boys named Tobi and Achim who were in rowing team. One day they have a camping or a training for upcoming rowing champion. The participant came from different places in Germany. One of them is the gay team came from Berlin. During the training, Tobi (or achim, im not sure) realize his feeling toward his bestfriend. Moreover, he then found out that he never likes girls, and the masterpiece scene of gays making out on the dock is not to be missed if you watch this film. The scene is incredibly romantic, and it's different with what you have seen in gay porn :D seriously. It is also fantastic film about a boy who finally accept what happened to himself. It wasn't to be ashamed of, if you were gay, it's the perspectives of those gay-phobic that should change. no one is born homophobic. So if you were one, you should watch more gay-lesbian movies!!
Beside these two films I have my own favorite german film. It is an adaption from Goethe's novel called 'Wahlverwandschaften' -Elective Affinities or Kindred by Choice
Mitte Ende August (english title : Sometime in August) 2009
It is a very complex love story that included marriage and love-affair, combined with depression and passion. I love the ending so much. But it's kinda confusing that my four students kept asking me what the meaning of the ending is, and i could have my own opinion, which might be true or not.
The story is about a couple who move to another house, and the husband decided to invite his brother who was in deep trouble (he got divorced and was unemployed). at the first time the wife did not agree, but after the husband convince her, she agrees. But then she brought her baptist-child to their house. therefore they were living together. day by day, things happen and change. August, the name of the girl who was brought by the wife is still so young and fresh, and the husband found her so attractive that later fell for her. The wife is so depressed and in this time, the husband's brother came and comfort her. but is it true that the ending is just that, the wife with the brother, and the husband with august. See how's the story going, for the ending is so enchanting (to me).
History and politic were my two hobbies recently. Well i actually love history, but i hate the test! but I discovered that german's history is way too interesting and some of them would talk about Hitler and Berlin Wall. so here are some films that talk about history and politic.
(My favorite one)
Die Welle (english title : The Wave) -2008
what's so cool about this film that this film based on true story that happened in America. It is a story about a teacher who made an experiment that later went out of control (im not supposed to tell you, but it's a part of the summary so, ...) The teacher has to teach about the topic autocracy and dictator to the students. As a cool teacher, he first refuse to teach about it, but he could not change it and choose to carry on. At first students had no intention to learn, and most of them think that autocracy would not happen (again) in modern germany, unlike the time of Hitler. So the teacher, as the role model for the class, he then made an experiment about how an autocracy system works. The ending was so WOW, i could not close my mouth for the exciting 10 minutes ending. A fantastic film you should watch!!
Good Bye, Lenin! -2003
It is a comedy but at the same time a tragic film. It told us about a boy, lived in east-germany, whose mother falls coma when the Berlin wall fall. unfortunately his mother still think that the berlin wall had not fall down, and she still think that she was in east-germany. So the boy and all his friends, including his lover, make the house her mother lived in look just like in east-germany. and how do they keep lying and what they finally do when the doctor said that his mother's time is not long. a very famous film you have to watch :)
Sophie Scholl- Die letzten Tage (english title : Sophie Scholl- the last days) -2005
A true story of a girl named Sophie Scholl that together with her brother become members of White Rose (the non-violent organization that oppose Nazi). One day both of them want to distribute the extra-leaflets in the university. As they distribute the last leaflet, unfortunately a man saw them. This lead them to many interrogation about both the leaflets and the organization. And both of them and one of the member (the one who wrote the leaflet) were captured and being interrogated for days. and finally three of them got capital punishment and were to be executed at the same day.
From this film, many of intellectual discussion and words came out from a 21 years old Sophie, who was so brave defending what she believes, that she's not a fully political person, but care for humanity. The film wasn't the type of the afternoon film for coffee and tee, for some difficult words are lining, and the topic is pretty hard, but it's worth watching. for people who loved history and politic, and care for humanity, you should watch this film!!!
There were many of good german films. I could not list them one by one, but i guarantee watching european movies aren't like watching typical hollywood films. I didn't say that Hollywood films are not good. but european movies, and especially now german films, offer you different taste of movie. and if you're a movie-freak go check some! :)
and i didnt mean to encourage you to download a movie for free from the internet, but if you have no money but is eager to watch the movie, and could appreciate the story, and could later bring changes to the world, I think that the producer of the film wouldn't mind if you download it for free. :D go check eutorrents(dot)com for more european movies, and download utorrent first for downloading. or if you want, ask me for copy, I have many german films :D and some hollywood movies, and several european films.
enjoy watching fellas >.<
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