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Tentang Pelayanan: Tak Cukup Menjadi Marta, Jadilah Maria di Dekat Kaki Tuhan

Maria telah memilih bagian yang terbaik, yang tidak akan diambil dari padanya.   (Lukas 10:42) Menjadi Pelayan di Usia Muda Saya di...



在上課的時候, 雖然, 老師講得很有趣, 但我比較喜歡隨便寫作文.
我的英文算沒那麼厲害, 所以有錯誤的話, 我不是故意把英文寫得不好, 但我也不是很厲害啊 :D

It is so hard to be a people living in the world. We, people, are blessed with brilliant brain to think and decide. Some people use their brain on the government things and create several laws that is very important to the bunch of people named themselves a nation.
Some people use their brain dealing with what they believe and called it faith. Some people are to busy managing what other people had been make before. For example, how to deal with the laws, or to deal with a low income and great demand.

But living with it dead but useful properties, made everything seems so fine, but at the same time deadly. Thinking about the catastrophe people have seen, they are seems bad for us since it destroys what people have already planned and made.
That people feel so proud with their brilliant brain is a well-known. But people seems to forget that nature wasn't made by us. It is not our things to make the sun shine, or darkened the night, or build a mountain. The dominion of people was for a long ago forgetting something, that not all the things in this universe can be controlled by the hand of human.
It is our task to get adapted to the world we're living in, and use things mother nature was giving born with much responsible. and being conscious that nature's properties are the Universe's gift money can't buy. Who are we to be so cocky and proud using things that is not belong to us?

1 comment:

mbak_tiyak said...

universe actually not only created for us but also for the next generation
