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Tentang Pelayanan: Tak Cukup Menjadi Marta, Jadilah Maria di Dekat Kaki Tuhan

Maria telah memilih bagian yang terbaik, yang tidak akan diambil dari padanya.   (Lukas 10:42) Menjadi Pelayan di Usia Muda Saya di...


The melancholy death of oyster boy

some of you must have been read this book!
this masterpiece is belong to Tim Burton. and i love this book very much.
the book content of many melancholy poem,
and after you read this book, well, for me, you filled with a strange feeling.

Tim Burton, i dont know why this person could create such melancholy poem like this.
he used some unusual creatures to create a melancholy stories.

i will write one of those,

Voodoo Girl

her skin is white cloth
and she's all sewn apart
and she has many colored pins
sticking out of her heart

she has beautiful set
of hypno-disk eyes,
the ones that she uses
to hypnotize guys

she has many different zombies
who are deeply in her trance
she even has a zombie
who was originally from France

but she knows she has a curse on her
a curse she cannot win
for if someone gets
too close to her,

the pins stick farther in...


this poem, well at first i cant guess what's the meaning behind it,
but when i suddenly found a video on youtube,
somebody said,

"that means she cant fall in love without being hurt"

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