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Tentang Pelayanan: Tak Cukup Menjadi Marta, Jadilah Maria di Dekat Kaki Tuhan

Maria telah memilih bagian yang terbaik, yang tidak akan diambil dari padanya.   (Lukas 10:42) Menjadi Pelayan di Usia Muda Saya di...


The Nightmare Room

This title is the title of the book that I used to read when I was in elementary school.
and also~ BIG title for my short-stories that I wrote in junior high school.

the reason why this night (i should work on my assignment, but i dont have any idea of translating an article in German so...) i talked about this title is...

I had a dream, last night!

it's a seriously freakin creapy dream that i had last night!
well, it's about 3 people who went for camping in a huge forest (not sure what kind of place was that!) 1 boy, 2 girls.

and then i saw, the girl number one went to a place that has a huge building, white building. but it is look like a deserted building or whatever.
this girl went upstair, and idk why i dream about this matter.
but this girl, suddenly, felt something wrong about her tummy and do her business there.
(*you know!)

but then she forgot to clean it all away.

and then the scene changed into the market-like scene. that 3 person was buying things when suddenly the girl got hypnotized and said, "we have to come back!"
then, she ran! ran like a crazy back to the forest.
"i have to clean what i've done, that was my fault, that is a sacred-forest, and we dont have to do the thing like i've done! we have to go back there!"

then, she, by holding the boy's hand, ran like a crazy.
after they got outside the building, there was a man who clean the place asking them not to enter. but the girl insisted!
so the man told them, "just 3 minutes, and you all have to come back here!"

then they go upstairs!

the girl went into the hole, but the hole is filled with water, when suddenly i became the other girl, i said, "it all changed" and put my hand into the water when suddenly i hold a long-metal thingy, and suddenly i pull my hand off.
but that girl, put her hand into the water and we, the boy and i, saw something creepy!
there was some kind of animal made from metal that come out from the hole.
and plus, there also a light that come out from the hole. it was very very creepy to see.
but then that thing wont let the girl go. the girl was shouting, but we didnt know what to do.
then that thing got into her stomach, and

I woke up!

idk what happened with the girl

well, this story is related to the story i wrote when i was a teenage.
hh~ long story, dream, i have to deal with a lot of creepy dream! hah!

well 10 days to go, i'm coming back to taiwan,
college college, assignments, and so on...
wish me luck for next year tho;

randomly speaking, what with all the chinese and asian's boy's eyes do with me? I'm so crazy about their eyes! hh~

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