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Tentang Pelayanan: Tak Cukup Menjadi Marta, Jadilah Maria di Dekat Kaki Tuhan

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philosophy on philosophy


i got from deviant-art.

What is philosophy? To philosophize is to not think about something, but to think upon those thoughts. You are to go beyond thinking, a thought beyond the thought. To think, you are to walk upon the ground, and observe it. To philosophize is to get upon your knees, and to DIG into the ground! You are to take your thoughts even further than your thoughts already. But I have heard that to philosophize is a gift. But why? Why cannot everyone take a deeper meaning into the thoughts and think upon thoughts? To dig into them? Is it the "strength" of the mind? For the one unable to philosophize, they are unable to dig their fingers into the ground. But then are we to say that those whom cannot philosophize weak minded? I don't think so. That's not right to say one is weak. But what is it that makes one unable to take a deeper meaning into their thoughts? Is it the mental comprehension? Can one only understand to a certain point? But does that mean philosophizers minds are to be unbound to comprehension? If that is so, then how do we make those whom cannot philosophize, to make them understand how they are to philosophize? It is clear to my understanding that I am bound to take one who is unable to philosophize, and to help them understand how to do so. but how is one to go about learning what is beyond comprehension? Here is an analogy: One whom cannot philosophize, their "cup" is full, or their mind is full of believes that are already there. They are unable to gain more understanding because their cup is too full, and to add more will only overflow the cup, thus confusing the person. To philosophize, you are to "empy" your cup, to unlearn what is there in order to gain greater comprehension. Because your cup is now empty, you may take a knowledge with ease, and not overflow.
But to those whom can philosophize, how makes one understand that they have the comprehension? Is it an event from another philosophizer? To make the ball roll, one must push it, because it cannot roll itself. To begin to philosophize, you must have another person make you go, or an event which begins your thoughts. But what of the ones to begin alone? They have rolled them self, how is this so? You are to start a car which has no fuel. But in order to start a car, you are to give it fuel. So it does not have to be another to make things begin, it can happen by itself.

What does it mean to "empty your cup"? That means you are to remove it's meaning. Let us say we are going to obverse a couch. To ask "What is a couch? What makes a couch, a couch?" means that the object, the couch itself has no longer a meaning. Now that you have emptied your contents, you are to fill your cup again. Do not fill it with what you have just emptied, because now you have lost the meaning to philosophize. You are to now fill it with your own thoughts. What makes it a couch? It's shape? Size? How it is structured? We know that it is a couch because you may sit upon it, and that it has cushions. But now we are to take it even further. Why does it have cushions? Is it because so we are to not sit upon a hard surface? That may be so, because if it had a hard surface, then we may use the floor for that purpose, thus rendering a couch useless. So we know it has cushions because it is soft to sit on. now we are beginning to fill our cup with contents. This is philosophizing, you are removing it's meaning and then giving it one again. But when do you know that you are done with a philosophy? To my believe, you cannot be done until everyone cannot find flaw within it. But what that also means is that it can never be done, just as that you cannot reach perfection.

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