When I first heard of the word, when one become a feminist, they fight for their rights as human. They demand the equality between men and women in social, political, and economic rights. My hypothesis is that the feminism movements started when women realize that there are something injustice happened, that women sometimes treated badly and there are a misogyny, discrimination and some of them exploit women.
And this situations back then happened is not because the error of human, but we found that this wrong treatment toward women in religion and culture. For example, back then women had no rights to go to school and get proper education. It was like really wrong for them to get knowledge about the world.
I love this idea, but sometimes women misunderstood the idea of feminism, and some of them using this as an excuse to correct their behavior. They see themselves as a big girl or an independent women who could live all by themselves, and therefore they are all like, "Excuse me, my fellow guys, but I gotta live my life the way I want, if you get in my way, you're just sexist!"
They just hate men who see them as a week poor little creature who can not do anything.
And maybe, there are women who are enchanted by the idea of feminism. And they fight for their rights by demanding the understanding of men to respect them or to treasure them. Some of feminists are like thinking that the greatest enemy of women are men. And therefore, they would like to prove that women could win, and men should not bother.
We talk about equality, but why we have always being so demanded.
But that doesn't mean I don't agree with all my fellow feminists. I have several friends who really look up to the idea of feminism. They are great and independent women, some of them maybe too ambitious, but they never stop to prove that although they're women, they could be as big as men.
But sometimes it bothers me. Like I said, we talk about equality, but our behavior is like demand ourselves to be on top of men. It's like the competition between men and women, and that's too exaggerating!
It's not about how we win over men
I had a class about gender equality when I was in high school. I know that no matter we demand equality, men and women are different. And it's because we have different sex organ, different hormone, and so on. I realize that it could make a big difference in our body. But no one could blame it and therefore we need to understand each other so we know how to treat them.
Yes, it doesn't mean that when men have penises, every women should have penises!
Men and women are different no matter what, but we should not prefer the one and ignore and exploit the other.
Today, I came across a really interesting documentary about prostitution in India. The title is, "The Day My God Died". It's a story about several women who were forced to leave their hometown and have to be prostitutes. They were still kids when they were taken, and soon as they arrived the brothel, they were forced to have sex. Some of them get raped, and had to serve 30-40 men a day. And when they refuse to do so, they were beaten. They get treated badly, and some of them did more than 10 abortions. And when their kids survived, some of their kids were sold again. Some of them even died there.
Luckily some of them and their children were rescued and lived in a shelter. Although they claim that they feel like home again, they struggle against HIV Aids. What really amazes me is that they're willing to go back to the brothel to rescue another women. They also make several actions to raise awareness within the people in India so that they would stop trafficking their daughters.
For God's sake, this is the real issues. It happened not only in India but also in almost every country around the world. Maybe when you walk around your neighborhood, there are trafficking happened, but you don't realize it. It is really happened and most of the victims are women, because they (not only men) thought women as sexual objects. It's interesting that the owner of the brother sometimes women. See the difference here, that it is not a competition between men and women, but people who have wrong idea that they could treat someone who are more weak badly.
When these women back home after rescued, some of them were mocked by another people and they were equal as dirty women. This was also wrong that society thinks women who have sex consider as whore, no one really cares that they were actually forced to have sex. People think women who are get raped as sinners, and we don't really care that they are actually struggling with pain and trauma.
This is what we should care about as human being, not only as feminist. As feminist we have to see the real problem happened in society and understand what is the reason behind this behavior and find right solutions. Feminist could focus themselves on the wrong idea of women in a society.
As human beings, we try to figure each other out.
But feminism, as far as I know, is not an excuse for women to be independent. We should understand that even though men and women are different, we are all human beings. And as human beings, we have to respect each other and do what human beings should do.
And yes, yesterday was an International Women's Day. :)
This is the documentary about sex trade in Bombay. If you're interested, you could just watch it ^^
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