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Tentang Pelayanan: Tak Cukup Menjadi Marta, Jadilah Maria di Dekat Kaki Tuhan

Maria telah memilih bagian yang terbaik, yang tidak akan diambil dari padanya.   (Lukas 10:42) Menjadi Pelayan di Usia Muda Saya di...


happy anniversary ma, pa

ma, pa, happy 25th anniversary.
i'm looking so hard on internet for an anniversary poem.
but i cant find one of them.

and it is night and my brain cant even think.
i want to make some touching poem or lyrics like this song do
i wanted some touching poem and getting attention of others.

but i can only make this.

ma, pa
i might haven't know about marriage.
i might haven't know about making family.
i might haven't know about leading and loving one another like you.

but i learn what love is from you both.
but i learn what passion is from ma.
but i learn what struggle is from pa.

from your 25 years of marriage.
from your 25 years of learning.
from your 25 years of loving each other.

i know there's no other parents like you two.
i know there's no other parents who have love like you do.
i know there's no other parents who hold in hand like both of you.

though there are romeo and juliet
though there are jack and ross.
though there are adam and eve.

here i got,
my favorite ma, Susana Sri Swasti.
my favorite pa, Yuni Wardhana.
who love each other
who promise to lean on
who walk hand in hand
who tied their relationship
25years and more.
who claimed their love
as an endless love.

Happy anniversary ma, pa.
you're the best example of me finding love.
and i hope
our love lasts forever.

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