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Tentang Pelayanan: Tak Cukup Menjadi Marta, Jadilah Maria di Dekat Kaki Tuhan

Maria telah memilih bagian yang terbaik, yang tidak akan diambil dari padanya.   (Lukas 10:42) Menjadi Pelayan di Usia Muda Saya di...


for team ten especially my lovely roommate

oooh taiwan~
here i come alone by myself with only just me who understand my feeling.
i'm a shy person, i'm not that tough, i can easily cry just by reminiscing a moment with my family.

and then, summer camp, came into my life. i was arrange to be with team 10.
and my CA is Tender and May. they came to find me even before i leave indonesia.
they found me and i know that both of them will take care of me.

a day before summer camp, i was just like, "ok whatever, do whatever u want to do, i dont care. i just try my best not to cry!"
but then, when i go to that camp.
i was just sad, busy looking another people without understand them. they talked in chinese, i wasn't that mad, but i just, "it's ok, i can understand them very much"

but those night, i meet my roommate, her name is sherry, she is very loveable and guess what, she help me much. she did everything to me.
and i thank god everyday. maybe i can cry all day without her. maybe god have arange this to me, to create such a nice person to help me those days, and the day after.

and my teammate, ah they are just gorgeous. they are such a loveable team that i cry on the last day.
yeah, i speak from my heart. though Tender told me to write an essay, but i just dont care with that. i speak from my heart without worry about grammar and word. i hope, they can understand me, how much i really thankful to them.
without them, i cant be that happy.

so, to my teammate, Tender May, Sherry

Gosh, God is sooooo nice to me to create such a loveable people like you all. and you're rock guys and girls. though sometimes, i cant understand you that well because of our different language, but i know now that language won't avoid our love.

i told you that i really love you guys from the deepest of my heart.

and sherry, thank you very much, i told my friends that you are really really nice to me, and i havent see such a nice person like you. you know, being together with my friends from indonesia is nice, but sometimes, it will remind me of home. and you, really i speak from my heart, being with you, i spend the most memorable time. told your mom and dad, i thank to them that they have raised a nice girl like you. i hope we always be friends. although after 4 years and go back to indonesia, we can keep in touch. and maybe you can come to my country. hehe
sherry, you are my first bestfriend in Taiwan. i dont fell that lonely because of you.
i hope we dont lose contact ^^

thank you.

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